Beyond Borders was all about making a difference. It was what united us and gave us a purpose to define what the youth of Pakistan could do to bring about a change. It worked successfully under British Council from 2004 - 2006, but somehow it dispersed after that. Now we are aiming to revive it and show that independently we can and we will make a difference through Beyond Borders. The BB Pakistan team orginally consisted of teams from Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar.

Beyond Borders as an international organization comprises of member teams in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. So lets say bismillah to reviving the spirit of BB Pakistan once again :)

Links to other Beyond Borders sites:

Sunday 13 April 2008

The start of a new era

Beyond Borders Pakistan started under British Council in Dec 2004. Several projects were conducted for the welfare of the society and to create awareness about issues like education, health, drug abuse, child welfare, child education, child molestation etc. A group of about 60 individuals from all 4 provinces of Pakistan got together to make a difference. Sadly, beyond borders group disintegrated once funding and support from British Council came to a halt. This happened in May 2006 and slowly all members of BB Pakistan moved on to do individual tasks. However, the spirit of Beyond Borders stayed with each one of us. Some of us managed to stay in touch over the course of the past 2 years and some even tried meeting up and catching up with what was going on with life in general.
Even though British Council provided us with a platform for about 2years to work towards the welfare of our country, the time span alloted and the tasks undertaken didnot seem sufficent to bring about a change. Being the youth of Pakistan we feel that there is a lot that needs to be done. We need to step forward and take this responsibility in our hands. We (the educated youth of Pakistan) need to show the world that we care and we can and we will try to do our level best.
At this point we have decided to revive Beyond Borders Pakistan independently without British Council's support. We have no funding, all of us are in different parts of the world, there is loads to do and somehow we don't know where to start. So through several talks and suggestions over the last 2 years, we have decided to raise our voices once again. This time we will start by projecting ourselves through the internet and other medias. This blog will be a platform for raising our concerns, debating issues and getting our voices heard.
And inshaAllah we believe that one day Beyond Borders Pakistan would be in full action again and together we will be able to make a difference. I remember one of our team members from Quetta once said, that its not about changing the whole society, its about being able to change one life at a time, if through our work we can make the difference in the life of one more Pakistani, then we have achieved a lot and that achievement would be inherited from generation to generation. :).
Today, we are starting again, not with a group of 60+ members funded by various organizations, but a group of about less than 10 individuals, hoping that we will get there on our own this time.
"A spark from the heaven falls!
Who picks it up?
The multitude?
The individual?
As Iqbal has said:
"Khudi ko ker buland itna, ke khuda bandey se khudh poochey, bata teri raza kya ha?"
May Allah guide us and help us to achieve what we aim for. (amin)
-Sunniya Saleem

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